Historically, post-earthquake fires have been responsible for more damage than from the earthquake itself. The Northridge 2000 device is designed to automatically shut off your gas after a seismic event. Installed on the gas meter, it shuts off the gas before it enters your house. It’s designed to know the different between passing trucks and busses, or being bumped, and an actual earthquake. The valve is set to trigger for an earthquake that is stronger than a 5.2.
Earthquake-activated gas shutoff valves are now mandatory in most of California, and will likely be here in Portland too.
We exclusively install the Northridge 2000 valve, mainly due to its simple design. In the rare case of a nuisance trip, the valve is very easy to reset – just turn the dial to the left a full turn.
Other models require that the gas be shut off to the meter prior to resetting the device, the reset pin is difficult to locate, and the warning sticker with directions usually wears off in the weather.
Nuisance trips are very rare, but resetting the Northridge 2000 is as easy as it gets. Slowly turn the faceplate in the direction of the reset arrow one full turn.